Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day Eleven: The overdue and concluding chapter in this Odyssey

Captain Grumpy:  We woke up at 6am for an early breakfast and taxi to the Budapest Airport.  Extremely quick through security and we waited for an hour at the gate.  The good news is that the WIFI signal from the First Class Lounge was strong enough to be picked up at our gate.  The bad news is that we weren't in the lounge enjoying the bourgeois life.  Oh well.  Princess and Monkey Hat were excited to get on the planes, and watch all the movies that Mother Superior doesn't let them watch at home.  I was anxious to get on the plane and get all of our bags in overhead compartments before they were used by others.  Mother Superior was excited for the no-leg room and airplane food.  Right.

We landed into Newark about 10 minutes late.  We lucked out at passport control, as there were virtually no lines.  We further lucked out because Cousin was waiting at the curb in our car to pick us up.  After dropping him off in beautiful down-town Newark so he could NJ Transit home to Manhattan, we went and picked up the other car at Mother Superior's school.  Mother Superior gave me my to-do list: including groceries, gas, and other like errands, while she drove the kids straight home.  They got stuck in traffic and took a scenic detour, while I ran the errands and made it home ahead of them.  At home, Abuelo had prepared dinner for us and was happy to see us all.  We went straight to bed and woke up the next mornign around 3:00 am.  I got ready for work, Monkey Hat got ready to go to Abuelo's house.  And Mother Superior got ready to drive Princess to Ohio, where they could be re-united with Diablito. 

But the saga of Mother Superior, Princess, and Diablito is another story.  One involving snow, flat tires, and a wife upset at their husband.


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