Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day Ten: Return to the Budapest Opera

Captain Grumpy:  We took the earliest train to Budapest, leaving at 0539 and arriving at 1235.  No sweat. We slept a good portion of it, which helped it seem to go faster.  We travelled through Bratislava, Slovakia, so we have passed through that country now as well.  When we arrived in Budapest, we dropped off our bags at the hotel and went to the Schenzny Medicinal Bath to see what it was like.  Afterwards, we stopped and got Opera tickets for the night's show.  Tickets range from $1.50 to $65, so it's affordable.  Before the Opera would start, we had time for dinner, so we had a leisurely meal at TG Italiano's as a farewell to Budapest.  The Opera started at 1900, Norma by Belllini.  Princess lasted through Act One, Scene Two.  She slept the remainder of the performance.  We have had a good trip, now it's time to go to bed prior to an early plane ride home.

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